02 6282 7155
+612 6282 7155 (from outside Australia)
04 500 38734
+614 500 38734 (from outside Australia)
02 6282 7199
+6126282 7199
Our VisionOur main purpose is to relief poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune and helplessness in Australia and Egypt. |
Our MissionOur mission is to provide a suite of services for the most vulnerable, underprivileged and marginalised people in Egypt and in Australia. |
Core ValuesOur core values includes Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Excellence.
Account Name: Mercy Association for the Underprivileged Inc
BSB: 012-997
Acc # 184 247 904
Bank: ANZ Bank
When you make your deposit, please indicate your name and address or contact us to get tax deductable receipt.
Click here to download our Direct Debit form and Donate
Then complete it and email it to
Fax it to 02 6282 7199.
3 - Donate by credit card
For regular and frequent donations,complete the following table and then click Donate below:
For one off donation, click Donate below:
Please call
04 500 38 734 or +614 500 38 734 if from outside Australia.
02 6282 7155 or +612 6282 7155 from outside Australia.